Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Public Relations Examples

Public relations is all around us. A great deal of what we view or read appeals to us because a public relations advisor was hired to put the content of what we read in a good light.

One example being the Dove campaign. They are trying to appeal to the masses by showing that all women and all skin types are beautiful. The use all types of women who are all sizes, shapes and colors in their ad. They have a catchy slogan to go along with it, "we see beauty all around us" and in the end this makes the consumer relate to Dove products so we will buy more or switch to their brand.

An online article on cnn.com was questioning the use of stimulus money going to the wrong places. The article was saying that many unemployed Americans are going to the food pantries so they can eat. The government doled out millions of dollars to well known companies in order for them to "donate" to food pantries. When asked why they didn't spread out that money to struggling food companies a spokesman for the Department of Agriculture stepped up to defend them in a way that the US citizens would still support them.

An article on Businessweekly was talking about the Apple phone being in competition with Google over the search engine and who can make a better one. Apple's spokeswoman declined to comment on it's advertising plans or its relationship with google. Google's spokeswoman also declined to comment on the issues at hand instead opting to put it in a better light and say that they value their relationship with Apple and will continue to work closely with them. By avoiding the issue they kept the public in the dark as to what is really going on. Apple users and Google users wont be able to worry too much because of how much they are left in the dark.

1 comment:

danprof said...

Check the assignment again. It asks for examples from "actual, physical, ink-staining" publications -- rather than Web sites.
Also, are you referring to Dove's ad campaign or the accompanying PR campaign?