Tuesday, March 2, 2010

bad PR

Kanye West, popular musical artist freaks out when Twitter allows fake accounts to spread misinformation about him.
These false facts make his beloved and devoted fans question his personality. They begin to spread slander of their own completely unconnected to Twitter. His record sales plunge. However, drug and alcohol sales grow in Hollywood.
Kanye’s own words, “The people at Twitter know I don’t have a f—ing Twitter so for them to allow someone to pose as me and accumulate over a million names is irresponsible and deceitful to their faithful users.”
Twitter suffered negative press coverage because of their slow response in removing the fake Tweeters as well as not being able to stop the wave of West hate from spreading. The press coverage, though only lasting a short while, was embarrassing to the networking site. Luckily for them, West enjoyed the attention and was kind enough to take most of the brunt away from them. This happened after he realized that citizens cared less about him and more about Twitters’ slow response time.
West, after posting this hateful and angry message about Twitter, joins Twitter and begins to spread his own ridiculous and un-charming things about himself. This will certainly stop people from impersonating him. They will certainly be unable to make him seem like more of an ass than he already is.
Twitter eventually gained something from this because more people joined so that they might be able to read the idiocy’s that came from West’s fingers and mind.

I would have simply been quicker to respond to the false stories and offered a sincere apology. Mr. West has never been one to be gracious so he wouldn’t have accepted it.


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